48 cents every 60 seconds on
autopilot. Guys, this is a brand-new strategy for you. I've
never talked about these websites ever before on this
article. Guys, this is brand new for 2022.I'm going to show
you exactly how you're going to make 48 cents every 10 minutes over.
And over again on autopilot. Anybody in the world can do this is
worldwide, and it's absolutely free, this is perfect for beginners to intermediate
marketers or even experts. This is something you've never seen before guys
incredible video I'm super pumped about this, I found this
the other day. And I wanted to share it with you. Guys the
website you need to go to is WWW dot hey guys Victoria this
here and on this article on how to make money online on the daily.
And I do that, consistently 100
percent of the time other than the times that I'm not doing it because
that's about 46 of the time. I'm either eating steaks drinking beer taking the
wife out watching wrestling, going to the settings you
know. You know the drill so that's what you're looking for a place where you
can learn how to make money online then go ahead and hit that subscribe button
right now and annihilate that notification bell. So I can send you an
update and a notification whenever I come out with new content. So
you don't miss any of the magic and as always stay to the end of this article.
I've got a huge bonus for you. I'm going to show you another way that you can
start making money online right from the comfort of your own home all right
let's head right into this article all right Guys before. We jump into
this amazing write. Okay, I want to show you the impact of how
much money you can make with this strategy and what these websites.
I'm about to introduce to you. So you can
potentially make 48 cents every 60 seconds every minute right now that's not a
lot of money. But if you think about it if you take one minute how many minutes
are there in an hour they're 60 minutes. So if I go to 48 cents times
16 that's every minute times. 60 minutes in an hour. You're making almost 29 an
hour now. Since this is going to be on autopilotnand since this is
going to be, you set it up and then. You just kind of let it do its
thing. Let it work, there are 24 hours in a day. You have 28
dollars times 24 hours in a day that could potentially
make. You're almost 700 dollars in a day now not
everybody's going to make this kind of money okay. Um i wanna
i want to put the disclaimer out there it's all about the work. You
put in, and it's all about taking action now. If you're not going
to take action with this article you're not going to make
any money, guys. So this is an incredible strategy, an
incredible opportunity that works worldwide.
It's absolutely free anybody can do this, you
don't need any skill. You don't need any special training. You don't need a big
list. Likewise, you don't need a social
media following, you don't need any of this stuff for this to work.
Okay so I want I just want to your know impress
upon you the magnitude of what potentially could go on here with this strategy
all right now let's go straight into the first website all right
before I tell you the name of this website again this is not a
website. I've ever shared with anybody on my article ever before, okay.
This is an industry leader in the affiliate
marketing space, maintaining an impressive track record of success
and publisher satisfaction is in 2013.
All right they have a full
support staff, all right they've got a dedicated payment team. And
you can go global directly, fast payments and the best tools and
technology. This has been around for almost 10 years, guys.
And again, this is the first time I've talked about it.
But this is a game changer for me all right now what is the name of
the website. If you're enjoying the content of this Article
so far, then don't forget to give me a big thumbs up and also down in
the comment section.
Tell me what country you're from. I want to know
where country you're from. So I can create even more article on how
to make money online that work in your area. All right let's head back into
this article, well the name of the website is called cpagrip.com all
right. And what you're going to do is you're going to go into register, Right
here now follow along because there's an important step in the registration
process that a lot of people miss and that's why they don't make any money with
this website. So just stick with me guys all right. You're going to click the
registration button all right. It's checking your browser yes you're a new
member you're going to go ahead and fill in all the information here it's
self-explanatory right. And then here's
the significant part, guys. This is the super sensitive
underground hack that a lot of people miss, okay.
I'm going to share that with you right now.
Where it says publisher type right here most people you start putting email
search what is this GPT this is what people miss. Because they don't
know what it means get paid too once. You start filling out
this registration form, make sure. You put get paid to all right and
then where it says where do you hear about us go ahead and put the uh on
article you can even put my name. It'll give you a little more credibility
right but make sure. You click on GPT get paid to, then
you're going to go ahead and log in. I have an account already, i'm going to go ahead and log in my account right here.
And this is what your dashboard is going to look like, all right. And
as you can see there are people already making money every day 14.72 today
22.83 this person right here has earned all time of 71 000 that's incredible
20. 9.74 says 12 12. I mean, there are all kinds of
testimonials here. And people that are actively doing this that are making
money. I'm going to show you exactly what they're doing and how you can do it
with no audience. And it's all free. And I'm going to show you exactly a
free traffic source.
How you're going to be able to get eyeballs onto
your link and start making that 48 cents every 60 seconds. Guys it's going
to blow your mind okay. So what, you're going to do is,
you're going to go once you registered. And you've logged in you're
going to go to this offer tools button right here, click on that.
You're going to click on my offers, another key step is
switch it over to the United States right here. Click on
the United States and that's where these offers are going to start
coming up now. You're going to see some installation offers to mobile install
an app or whatever. But that's not what we're looking for is this right here
email zip submit okay. There's several of these offers like that. Now you can
pick any offer you want but let me give you an idea of how this works. So when
somebody comes over here to this offer, for instance this offer. I'm
going to click on this right here, okay. And they enter they answer a couple
questions, and they enter their email address all right.
You are going to get paid two dollars and uh 31
cents right here, 2.31 cents and on average. If you see the 7.18
percent right here, that means 7.18 percent of the people that click on that
link are going to move forward and give their information. So you're going to
get be getting paid on at least seven percent of the people that click on
that link, all right. And again this is not to buy anything. This is
just because they're giving their in their email address using your link and
that's. How you're going to get paid,, so the question is
okay. So what do I do to get people to click on the link where do. I
get the traffic, well that's the second part all right. So
what I want you to do is, I want you to click on I'm
going to use this uh play station free play station 5 right
here all right free play session five. I want you to click on this link.
I'm going to copy this link right here, all right. Likewise,
I'm going to exit out of here, copy the link exit out of
here. And I want you to go to a website called bitly.com.
You can create a free account all this stuff is
free, guys, okay. This is my Bitly account, I'm going
to create a smaller link for this to make it look
better. I'm going to hit paste. And I'm going
to hit create right. It's going to create it and there.
It is, it's a much better looking link now. I can actually customize
this right. So I can go ahead and hit the backspace and say
free, PlayStation free PlayStation okay. And then I'm
going to save that oh somebody's already got it all right. I'm going to
add some numbers, I'm going to just uh 8066 right uh hit save. Boom there
it is now I've got a much better customized link that looks so much easier
and so much friendlier to click on. And it even tells the people who are
looking at clicking on the link exactly what it's for is to win a
free PlayStation right all right. So I'm going to copy this link
right. There I've copied it, I'm going to save it and now.
We go on to the next and final step. And this is
what's going to blow your mind. Guys how you're going to get this free traffic
to this link, check this out. I want you to go to the website called
forums.gamer, okay. So we're looking for gamers. And you know because you're
giving away a PlayStation. So this is a perfect website to access for
people who are interested in playing pc games and playing games online right.
And I want you to click on register right here this is also free
click on register. And you could enter your all your information, or
what I choose to do is to log in with my Google account.
So I'm going to do that, you just click on
your Google account. It's much faster all right, I'm going
to fast-forward so that we can get to the login part all right once.
You've um once you've created your Google account. And you've
registered with your current email address, as you can see mine is
there. And you're going to create a name. I'm going to put
cyber Vic okay. And then I'm going to agree to the
terms and service, I'm going to click register right here.
Pretty simple right, so the very next
step is to click on your profile right here. This is mine okay
and I want to go to account details right here. All right, this is
super important guys, so just pay attention here okay now in the body
about me page which is basically like your signature. You're going to go back
to that Bitly link that you created which is this one
right here, all right. I'm going to go ahead and copy it
right again, copied all right. And I'm going to place it right
here in the body of this signature area right,, but that's not the
only thing. I'm going to put you need to put things you need
to put, something like when a free play station 5 just in time
for Christmas right. Then all you're going to do
is safe that and then the next step is you're going to go
to trending right here, click on this trending button all right these
are all the trending conversations and topics that are going on right now like
what's. Your favorite pc puzzle game um and like this one here what's
your best shooting pc game you can click on that. And basically you're just
going to engage with the know the post and as you can see every one
of these posts has something to click on just like yours is going to have
something to click on okay what you want to do is find the trending topics and
the trending threads.
And start engaging in those topics and then of
course your link will also show up in your post and the eyeballs that you're
getting from this pc gamer website can be thousands and thousands of eyeballs
clicking on your link potentially okay. This is where you're going
to get the free traffic guy's incredible and remember once they
click on the link go to CPA grip. You're going to be
getting paid was it 2.31 cents okay every time somebody enters their email
address. And you are giving away a
free PS5 now, really unbelievable way to start making
some money online absolutely free. And you don't need any experience now. If
you're interested in learning exactly what I'm doing to create a full-time
business and income online, a fully sustainable business and a
passive income, a passive income meaning. It's making me money even
while I'm asleep or out at the beach on vacation with my family and
friends or off to that exotic island that. I've always
wanted to enjoy okay it's still making me money there's still new
money going into my account, that's the beauty of a passive income.
If you're interested in learning how I do that, there's going
to be a link down in the description of this article.
If you are ready to walk through that door of
opportunity that's right in front of you right now. This could potentially
change your life, guys and remember. It's time to invest in your
business, and it's time to invest in yourself