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ADA Compiler 2.0

Version 2.0 is finally here - perfect During the lockdown - all done from home
If you did not make this change on your website immediately, You could be sued, (even extra) for thousands of dollars soon!

People are losing a ton of money for all these reasons. However, I'm going to show you how to make sure this never happens

Just miss one of these many essentials it's over! When I learned how businesses are being sued left and right, Needless to say I was shocked. But even with my shock, I knew I had to make sure to protect myself now and in the future.

So I did a ton of research. Looking for something I needed to do to be consistent

And I see that you can use every image, video file, Audio files and other specific times so your site is truly ADA compliant. You don't need to make sure that you:

  • The cases are mounting and expected to increase ...
  • The Department of Justice has endorsed the ADA website LOSWITS
  • 6 6,000,000 was the cost of settling the recent case
  • Bus 50,000 + is the average legal value of a small business
  • There was an 181% increase in ADA Title III lawyers filed in 2018

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